PHONE & FAX (402) 234-7856
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Roxanne Mrasek
Wanda Prescott, Chair
David Richardson
Dan Bruckner
Nikolas Fotoplos
Joe Fuxa
The Cedar Creek Board of Trustees meets the third Tuesday of every month, at 7:00 p.m., at the Cedar Creek Ridge meeting room, Cedar Creek. All meetings are open to the public. To have an item added to the agenda call the village office at least 24 hours before the scheduled meeting. Notices of meetings, and other legal notices, are published in the Omaha world Herald and posted at the Village Hall, Cedar Creek Inn, and the Cedar Creek Post Office.
The Cedar Creek Planning Commission meets the second Tuesday of every month, at 7:00 p.m., at the Village Hall. To be added to the agenda, call the village office. Planning Commission members are: Jeff Leach, Guy Ern, Kraig Kilton, Shaun McCauly and Trevor Parson.
The Cedar Creek Volunteer Fire Department meets the first Monday of every month, at 7:00 p.m., at the Fire Hall. Information on the Fire Department should be directed to Dan Muntz. The Emergency number to call for fire or rescue is 911.
The Cedar Creek Tree and Park Boards do not have scheduled meetings. For information on each Board or if interested in becoming a member contact the village office.
Building inspections are contracted to the Cass County Building Inspector. Building Permits require approval from the Cedar Creek Planning Commission and from the Cedar Creek Board of Trustees. Most construction will require a building permit which may be obtained by contacting the village office. Please call the village office before starting any construction. Cedar Creek has Building Codes, Zoning Regulations, and Floodplain Regulations. All construction and other improvements in the Floodplain will require a Floodplain Permit to be approved by the Floodplain Manager Chuck Paukert.
The Cedar Creek Village Park, located north of the railroad tracks, covers 20 acres of land. Additions to the Park since 2000 are:
The playground equipment was purchased entirely by donations and grants from the Peter Kiewit Foundation and Burlington Railroad. No taxpayer money was used for the project and all labor was volunteer. The Pavilion was built in 2003 using Keno money and a donation from Ash Grove Cement Plant. A dusk to dawn light and underground wiring was donated by OPPD. Nine picnic tables were built by volunteers.
The Basketball Court was constructed in 2005 and is used often by area youths. The Baseball Field was started in 1990 and over the years has undergone several maintenance projects. The bleachers were purchased with donations from the Lutheran Brotherhood. (The Lutheran Brotherhood also funded the purchase of the flag pole at the village hall.) Area youth teams use the field for practice. It is recommended spring practices be scheduled so there are no conflicts of times to use the field. A batting cage was added in 2007, a donation from the World Baseball Village.
In 2006 a Memorial Park was started on village property located at the intersection of Platteview Drive and Cedar Drive. The property overlooks the Platte River. A memorial bench was donated by the Baker family, and trees have been planted. The project is ongoing.
The flower garden at the Park and the Street Trees between the bridge and park were all purchased through an $8,000 grant from the Community Enhancement Program, a cooperative effort of the Nebraska Department of Roads, the Nebraska Forest Service and the Nebraska Statewide Arboretum.
New welcome signs were purchased in February 2009 and installed at the Village Hall/Fire Department. Cost of the signs was $14950. and $1800. for landscaping and lighting. Funding for the signs and landscaping came entirely from Keno Funds and sales of the Cedar Creek Cookbook. No tax dollars were used for the project.
The Village Office is open Monday, Wednesday and Friday 9:00am to 2:00pm, but being a one person office, times change due to schedules. Items at the office which are frequently researched by the public: Maps of Cedar Creek, Floodplain Maps, Minutes, Ordinances, State and Federal Regulations, Floodplain Regulations, Resident Addresses, Lake Association Information, etc. All items are available for public inspection with the exception of personnel files and legal files. The office issues all permits and licenses for the Village. Call or email requests and/or questions to the Village Clerk.