
The Cedar Creek Board of Adjustments met for a Public Hearing at 7:00 p.m., on June 12, 2003, at the Village Hall. Notice of the hearing was given by posting in three public places in the village and by certified mail. The notice stated the purpose of the Public Hearing to be to hear an appeal from Theresa Metzger of the denial by the Cedar Creek Board of Trustees for a Conditional Use Permit to operate a Paintball Course and Shop at 18605 114th St. The notice also stated, all persons desiring to give evidence before the board in support of or objection to the issuance of said Conditional Use Permit, may do so at the scheduled hearing. All Board members received full sets of copies and attachments pertaining to the Conditional Use Permit, prior to the Public Hearing.

The Public Hearing was called to order at 7:00 p.m. by Gene Stauffer, Chair. Roll call: Stauffer-present, Bode-present, Muntz-present, Village Attorney Bill Reinsch-present. Chair Stauffer stated the purpose of the Public Hearing and advised T. Metzger, an affirmative vote of all present would be required to reverse the Trustees decision, as the regulation states 4 of the 5 board members are required to vote in favor of a decision. T. Metzger was given the choice of continuing with the scheduled hearing or postponing the hearing to July 1, 2003, when all board members would be present. T. Metzger requested the hearing be postponed to July 1 and acknowledged reasons for the postponement.

Stauffer explained to those present, concerns he had regarding the Paintball Course: Safety issues due to close proximity to Spur 13H; Permitted conditional uses in Transitional Agriculture Districts; Village Codes which prohibit paintball use; and comparison to other courses which are either indoors or fenced.

Teri Metzger invited Board members to the locations of the proposed course for a demonstration. Attorney Reinsch advised to wait until all board members are present.

At the agreement of all present, the Public Hearing will be postponed to July 1, 2003, at 7:00 p.m., immediately prior to the regular session of the Board of Trustees. Agreement by Teri Metzger as to the time and date of the postponement.

There being no further business to come before the board, motion by Bode to adjourn. Second by Muntz. All ayes.

Mary C. Terry

Municipal Clerk/Treasurer


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