The Cedar Creek Board of Trustees met in regular session, at 7:00 p.m., on July 2, 2002, at the Village Hall. Board members present: Reynolds, Bode, Rydl, Stauffer. Absent: Swenson. Angela Slattery filled in for Attorney Bill Reinsch. Advanced notice of the meeting was given by posting in the village and by publication in the Plattsmouth Journal.
Motion by Stauffer, second by Bode, to approve the minutes of the 6-04-02 meeting. All ayes.
Account Balances: Checking $30,059.78, Money Market $32,016.44
Claims: Rural Water #3..23.50 Plattsmouth Journal..181.16 Alltel..58.41 OPPD park..10.00 OPPD building..19.00 OPPD street lights..100.64 Jefferson Pilot Financial..62.90 Eagle Services..140.00 Twin Rivers Por-to Service..200.00 Snow Dog Printing..32.80 Greenwood Farmers Coop..126.00 Ault's Store..15.25 L Stauffer..21.80 D Muntz..204.58 P Welte..310.00 B Reinsch..125.00 Cass County Sheriff..1214.88 M & M Trenching..1150.00 SENDD..250.00 Ace Hardware..24.32 D Rydl..29.88 Payroll 1937.11
Motion by Stauffer, second by Rydl, to approve the treasurer's report and pay all claims with the exception of the $100 request from SENDD for housing support. All ayes. Motion by Rydl, second by Stauffer, to purchase new phone/fax for the office. All ayes. Motion by Stauffer, second by Bode, to pay $385 toward maintenance of the Cedar Creek Volunteer Fire Department Pumper. All ayes.
Captain Dave Lamprecht of the Cass County Sheriff's Department, reported 74.12 hours of patrol were logged for Cedar Creek during the month of June. There were nine calls for service: Assist/KLIV, Check Suspicious, Abuse/ Neglect, Lost Property, Traffic, Found Property, Assist Citizen, Theft, Family Dispute. Lamprecht informed the board, extra deputies would be on duty the 4th of July and will patrol Cedar Creek when in the area. The board was also informed, there will be no cost to the village for the security services during Cedar Creek Day. The security was provided by Deputy Lynn Eklund of the Cass County Sheriff's Department. The board relayed their appreciation to the department and Deputy Eklund for her excellent service.
Copyright Laws from June. A Slattery informed the board, the issue should not affect the village.
Annual report by the Southeast Nebraska Development District was reviewed by the board members.
Gene Stauffer reported Cedar Creek Day was well attended and an overall success. A final report of the event will be provided at the August meeting.
Dennis Herskind of Allied Recycling & Refuse Services explained the benefits of having an exclusive contract with Allied, described services provided by Allied for residents and commercial customers, and cost differential of an exclusive contract vs. individual contracts. After a lengthy discussion, the board instructed to schedule a special meeting immediately prior to the regular meeting on August 6th and to send notices to residents informing of the meeting and items to be discussed.
Gene Stauffer reported, the quarry prices on hauling rip rap would be lower than a private hauler. Item tabled.
Motion by Rydl, second by Bode, if the property at Lot #100 is not maintained by the property owner immediately, the village will mow and file a lien against the property. Ayes: Reynolds, Rydl, Bode. Abstain: Stauffer.
Motion by Bode, second by Stauffer, to hire Robert Eklund as the Village Maintenance Employee at the current wage rate of $9.50 per hour. All ayes.
Motion by Rydl, Second by Bode, to pay up to $500 for moving of files, cleaning of the upstairs at the Village Hall, and miscellaneous maintenance jobs. All ayes.
Paul Koehler, C.P.A., spoke to the board on preparation of the annual budget, reviewed current budget allowances, and gave information on lid restriction and exception to the lid. The board and P. Koehler discussed possible ways to receive additional funding for street improvements, and setting the budget for the next fiscal year. The board will review printed information before the August meeting.
The board was informed, a complaint had been received on the condition of Lot #315, and was reported the dwelling is not occupied. At the request of the board, a certified letter will be sent to the property owner notifying of the problem.
Several complaints have been received regarding services of the cable company and violations of the franchise agreement have occurred. Angela Slattery will contact Cable Direct and request these violations be corrected immediately.
The board discussed the condition of the roads where Rural Water #3 connect water service. Chairman Reynolds and Gene Stauffer will attend the next Rural Water District #3 Board of Directors meeting on July 11 to discus the problem.
Lot #198 Addition. Approved by the Planning Commission and the Floodplain Manager. Motion by Stauffer, second by Rydl, to approve the permit. All ayes.
There being no further business to come before the board, motion made by Bode, to adjourn. Second by Stauffer. All ayes.
Mary C. Terry, Municipal Clerk/Treasurer